
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Grass Bends when the Wind Blows on it – Confucianism in China

  Today, a conversation about Confucianism. Hierarchy? Order? Harmony? Peace? Let's unpack a bit of that.

Plunging Vertically, Lightly Clinking

  Fanta Pagoda, in the shadow of Yushan in Changshu. Xu Lizhe, who wrote this poem shortly before jumping off one of #foxconn's buildings in #Shenzhen, 2014

Open Class

 ESL in China is partly about teaching English, but largely about having fun and playing games. Schools are often businesses, and the customers are parents. Make those kids happy. If they don't learn much English, who cares? The grades can be faked anyway. So in this episode here are a few games I invented in school, usually without much planning (which is probably self-evident). Fun times had by all!

Random Impulse

  The colonial grandeur of Shanghai's Bund Father of modern China, Sun Yatsen The man behind many a grisly murder, Big-Eared Du